Thursday, August 21, 2014

On the Amtrak from Boston to New York City

                                                                  Week Five
                                           Write a Revision Strategies Essay about paper 1 
                                            Which is about a white woman and an American Indian travelling
                                            on the Amtrak  from Boston to New York City

From my point of view the white woman was very excited about the house on the hill with
with all it's two hundred year old history that comes along with it, because of the long line
of history that has been taught . On the other hand the American Indian could care less of all
the tribal stories that has been around.
The woman was very happy about  Walden Pond ,did you see Walden Pond she asked? with much excitement .
The American Indian was not interested in what she was saying but he did not allow to let his
emotions got the better of him ,so he just kept his feelings inside .
The Indians were living long before Walden came into existence even before his parents ,grandparents and great grandparents were born . So when the white woman  came
up with the idea about this 200 hundred year existence was very insetting to the American Indian.

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