Thursday, August 21, 2014

On the Amtrak from Boston to New York City

                                                                  Week Five
                                           Write a Revision Strategies Essay about paper 1 
                                            Which is about a white woman and an American Indian travelling
                                            on the Amtrak  from Boston to New York City

From my point of view the white woman was very excited about the house on the hill with
with all it's two hundred year old history that comes along with it, because of the long line
of history that has been taught . On the other hand the American Indian could care less of all
the tribal stories that has been around.
The woman was very happy about  Walden Pond ,did you see Walden Pond she asked? with much excitement .
The American Indian was not interested in what she was saying but he did not allow to let his
emotions got the better of him ,so he just kept his feelings inside .
The Indians were living long before Walden came into existence even before his parents ,grandparents and great grandparents were born . So when the white woman  came
up with the idea about this 200 hundred year existence was very insetting to the American Indian.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

                                                The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
                                                                By Christopher Marlowe
If one could be and see my love and shall this be with shepherd's tongue
to land and sea's and hills above.
Come be with me and be my love
And upon the hills we sit to see ,
when shepherds come's their flocks to feed,
then might in love we should ever be.
The flowers do fade from time to time
but neither winter ,spring nor summer
our love will never fade with time.
Our gown will be made from the finest wool
and our slippers ,which will protect us from the cold
our buckles made of the purest gold.
A belt of straw and ivy buds
with coral claps and amber studs
and if this your only lust .
come be with me and be my love.
If youth could last ,we'll dance and sing
with this delight each season bring.
With this joy no date nor age we'll need,
then delight my mind might move
to live with thee and be thy love.

Monday, August 11, 2014

The school children

                                                        The children school by Louise Glucks
The poet talks about the conflict a mother faces as she sends her kids off to school, the apples were given to the teacher as a reward to watch over her children in the absence of the mother. The mother was unable to be attend school, with the children so therefore the mother was uncomfortable when the children were not around ,the mother felt help-less when the children were in school.
When the children grew up they pull away from the mother to make their own decisions and choices, this poem makes you feel of time when you were young and free and you feel secure with your monitoring every move you make . It makes me think that life is good and you do not need to worry.